What to Expect in Worship

Some Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our worship service is about an hour long. When we celebrate Holy Communion the service can go a little longer; when there isn't Communion, it might be a little shorter.

  • We are a liturgical church, which means our worship services follow a basic pattern that many Christians have used, with room for variety, for over a thousand years.

    In a typical worship service, we confess our sins together and receive God's forgiveness. We hear readings from God's Word. A sermon is preached, usually based on one of these readings. We confess our Christian faith using one of the Creeds, summaries of what the Bible teaches. Throughout the service we join in prayer and singing hymns and psalms.

    On some Sundays we observe the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, as someone is made a child of God through water and the Word. We also regularly observe the Sacrament of Holy Communion (also known as the Lord's Supper), which strengthens our faith as we receive Christ's body and blood.

    The Lutheran Church has been called "The Singing Church," and this shows in our worship services. The hymns we sing come from a variety of styles, traditions, and time periods—from contemporary composers to classical chorales to ancient chant and everything in between. What they all have in common is proclaiming the wonderful works of God, especially his work of salvation in Christ.

    If you'd like to get a feel for what our worships services are like before you visit in person, you can view one of our recorded services.

  • Only as much as you feel comfortable. Because liturgical worship encourages participation by all worshippers, there will be parts of the service when the pastor speaks and the congregation responds, when we say prayers together, recite the creed, and sing hymns and songs. If you are visiting and don't feel comfortable participating in this way, that's okay. As you observe the service, you're invited to consider the meaning of what is being said and sung; in worship, we proclaim the good news of God's Word to one another.

  • Children are a wonderful blessing from the Lord, and it's important for them to learn about their Savior too. A short Children's Sermon is often included in our services between the Scripture readings and sermon that helps kids see how God's Word has a lesson for them that day. Liturgical worship is also well-suited for children, as they quickly pick-up the familiar parts of the service that are repeated each week.

    It is understandable that children, especially younger children, may have days when they just need to get the wiggles out. If you feel the need to take your child out of the worship space, the service can be heard through speakers in the narthex and basement at both campuses. Bathrooms with changing stations are located in the basement at both campuses as well.

  • We want to glorify God in everything we do, but your "Sunday best" doesn't have to be anything fancy. You'll see some people in worship wearing suits or dresses, others wearing jeans and t-shirts. Wear whatever you feel is comfortable and appropriate for worship.

  • The members of St. Paul give an offering during worship as a way to give thanks to God by financially supporting the work of the church. If you are visiting, please don't feel obligated to give. We're happy to welcome you as our guest!

  • We celebrate the Lord's Supper on the First and Third Sunday (and corresponding Thursday) of each month. Communion is also offered in festival and other occasional services throughout the year.

  • We invite properly prepared members of St. Paul and fellow congregations of the WELS and ELS to participate in the Lord's Supper. Out of love for others and in keeping with God's Word, we ask that visitors who are not part of our fellowship please speak with one of our pastors before communing. You can read more about our Communion practice here, and our pastors will be happy to answer any questions you have.

  • The best way to learn what worship at St. Paul Lutheran is like is to come visit! But if there's anything you'd like to know more about, feel free to get in touch with one of our pastors.