Announcements: November 12

The flowers on the altar this week at Wonewoc are given in memory of Lucas Lankey by Gus and Julie Smallwood and family.


On Sunday, Brenlea Irish Jacobson will be baptized into God’s family after the late service. Brenlea’s parents are Marisa and Christopher. May God give them the strength to faithfully raise Brenlea in the training and instruction of the Lord, and may he keep her in his baptismal grace throughout her life.


The quarterly voters’ meeting took place on November 5.  Action items included: 1 member transfer to Reedsburg, setting the synod mission offering goal to $22,000 for 2024, and election of Sam Mobley, Steve Mitchell and Eric Olson to the Board of Trustees.  The voters authorized the Board of Education to call teachers as needed for 2024.  There were also updates on the ECM, and discussion of flooring replacement at Hillsboro.  A proposal of changes to the by-laws for Board of Education was presented and will be brought to the voters at the next meeting on February 4.

If anyone is interested in having a poinsettia on the altar in memory of a loved one for Christmas, order forms from Blossoms and Bouquets are in the back of the church.  Order by November 20 for discounted savings. Please make checks out to Blossoms and Bouquets and place them in the box in the back of church along with the order form. You may also call Blossoms and Bouquets directly at 608-464-3240 to order.


A Thanksgiving dinner will be held at St. Paul - Hillsboro Campus November 19th at 11:30am. Everyone is invited to come eat and there is opportunity for carry-out meals if someone is unable to share the dinner on-site. Turkey, potatoes, dressing, gravy, and rolls will be provided. Everything else is pot luck.


Thanksgiving worship will be held on Wednesday, November 22 with a 4:00pm service at Wonewoc and a 6:30pm service in Hillsboro.  There will be no regular Thursday service that week because of the Thanksgiving holiday.


Advent by Candlelight is scheduled for Sunday, December 3, in the Wonewoc Campus church basement. Advent by Candlelight is a beautiful, quiet, reflective event just for women to focus their hearts on the birth of the Savior who brings us salvation and peace before the craziness of the Christmas season. There will be a luncheon and program beginning at 12:30pm. We are still looking for a few table hostesses to decorate a table and provide a light dish or dessert for the meal.  Moms can bring their school age daughters too. There is a sign-up sheet in back if you are interested or contact Jan Fick or Heather Mobley for more information. We would like to know who can host and who would just like to come by November 23.


Choir practice for Christmas Eve Candlelight service will be held every Sunday evening from now until Christmas. It will take place at St. Paul’s Wonewoc in the church sanctuary. You are invited to join the singers in the choir to glorify the Lord in song.  If you can’t make every practice, don’t worry; just come when you can.


A survey has been put together by the pastors and elders looking for feedback on various aspects of our worship practices. Now that we are almost two years into our use of the new hymnal, we want to gather information on how the introduction process has gone, as well as other aspects of our worship services. Paper copies are available at church, or you can fill out the survey online by going to

Weekly Calendar | November 12—November 26

Sunday (11-12)                  8:00 am             Worship (Hillsboro) (Sunday School Sings)

                                                    9:15 am             Sunday School (Hillsboro)

                                                    9:15 am             Fellowship/Education Hour (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am           Worship (Wonewoc)

                                                    5:30 pm             Family Forge (Wonewoc)

                                                    6:00 pm             Christmas Cantata Practice (Wonewoc)

Monday (11-13)               9:00 am             School Picture Retakes

                                                    5:00 pm             Boys Basketball @ Home vs. St. Mary’s R.C.

Tuesday (11-14)                7:00 pm             Board of Ed Meeting

Wednesday (11-15)       8:00 pm             Adult Choir Practice (Wonewoc)

Thursday (11-16)           5:00 pm             Boys Basketball @ St. Patrick’s, Mauston

                                                    7:00 pm             Worship with Communion (Wonewoc)

Friday (11-17)                    8:05 am             School Chapel

Sunday (11-19)                  8:00 am             Worship with Communion (Hillsboro)

                                                    9:15 am             Sunday School (Hillsboro)

                                                    9:15 am             Fellowship/Education Hour (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am           Worship with Communion (Wonewoc)

                                                    11:30 am           Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal @ Hillsboro Campus

                                                    6:00 pm             Christmas Cantata Practice (Wonewoc)

Monday (11-20)                5:00 pm             Boys Basketball @ Home vs. St. John’s, Baraboo

Tuesday (11-21)                1:30 pm             Care Ministry Meeting (Wonewoc)

                                                    6:30 pm             Trustees Meeting (Wonewoc)

Wednesday (11-22)                                   NO SCHOOL-THANKSGIVING BREAK

                                                    4:00 pm             Thanksgiving Worship (Wonewoc)

                                                    6:30 pm             Thanksgiving Worship (Hillsboro)

Thursday (11-23)                                       NO SCHOOL‑ HAPPY THANKSGIVING

Friday (11-24)                                                NO SCHOOL-THANKSGIVING BREAK

Sunday (11-26)                  8:00 am             Worship (Hillsboro)

                                                    9:15 am             Sunday School (Hillsboro)

                                                    9:15 am             Fellowship/Education Hour (Both Campuses)

                                                    10:30 am           Worship (Wonewoc)

                                                    6:00 pm             Christmas Cantata Practice (Wonewoc)


Announcements: November 19


Announcements: November 5